Top 5 Home Exterior Trends in 2022

While many people focus on interior design trends, you should not overlook the significance of home exterior patterns. The outside of your residence not only makes a first impression on others, but it is also the first thing you see when you arrive home. Rather than a dull or tired exterior, it is preferable to return home from a day out or work to be greeted by architecture that your favorite Custom Home Builder Dallas TX assisted you in creating and that fits you as well as your personality. However, identifying a single or small number of trends is difficult because it varies depending on the size of the home, the type of neighborhood, and a variety of other factors. Architectural Designer Dallas TX, on the other hand, has highlighted 5 exterior trends that will be popular through 2022 and beyond, and which you can use to obtain ideas for your next renovation.

  1. Dark siding

When done well and typically blended with a softer trim, dark siding can appear solid and stable. They can make a house appear larger than it is, and they will stand out even more against a warm summer backdrop. Gray is still a popular color, but you can anticipate seeing earthy browns as well as other neutral colors in your neighborhood. However, if ark siding is done incorrectly, it can be gloomy, unsettling, and make your property appear overshadowed and rundown. That is why you need professionals with years of experience, such as Custom Home Builder Dallas TX, to do a great job on your dark siding. 

  1. Water features

Water features like small ponds, in-ground pools, and fountains are among the popular styles in 2022 and probably 2023. This is especially true of features like natural pools that filter themselves by utilizing plants and can improve both your landscaping and your utilization of the yard.

  1. Bigger driveways

An additional exterior home trend that has taken off in 2022 is larger and wider driveways. A driveway has always been an important part of the home's design, but it is now beginning to grow in size. This is especially beneficial for those who have extended family who live with them, as well as those who entertain frequently and require extra space for more cars. Tony McClung has helped several home owners to design driveways that fit their needs. 

  1. Green As the New Exterior Color

Gray has been the most common color both indoors and outdoors for several years. While interiors become more daring in 2022, exteriors are increasingly becoming greener. Tones of green bordering on gray, in particular, are becoming popular. These greens add interest as well as life to your home's exterior and pair well with a variety of bold color combinations, allowing you to make an effect in a subtle manner.

  1. Natural textures

Natural textures can refer to materials such as wood, but they may also refer to the original substance of the wall without the siding cover. Concrete and brick walls could indeed look very impactful, but wood works well if the property is framed by large trees. You also don't have to reveal natural texture on each and every inch of each wall.

Final word

The outside of your property creates the first impression of the home and greets you when you come back. It must be both visually appealing and functional. Expect to see more black sidings, solid accent colors, larger driveways, water features, textured sidings, and larger outdoor living areas, among other trends in 2022 and beyond. Contact the best Architectural Designer Dallas TX for more ideas on exterior trends.

Why Should you Choose a Luxury Custom Home?

When shopping for a luxurious permanent home, it can be challenging to locate one that has all you require and desire. It is more preferable to employ Luxury Home Builder Dallas TX.

Luxury custom homes differ in type, size, and design, but they all have a few things in common. These include well-designed interiors, cutting-edge appliances, renowned locations, and spacious closets. Well-known architects, such as Luxury Home Builder Dallas TX, also frequently create them.

The difference between a personalized luxury house and an opulent, pre-built one is that the former may be designed whatever you desire. You won't have to give up specific features like you would with the latter.

Here are a few more reasons why you should choose a luxury custom home:

  1. Less Repairs

When individuals find a fantastic price on a second-hand property, they frequently overlook the expensive repairs that often accompany it.

Replacing carpets, painting the exterior or interior, purchasing new appliances, rebuilding a basement, and retiling a roof are all expenditures that may rapidly mount up. The last issue you want to contend with is a large list of repairs shortly after you move in.

Fortunately, with a custom house, you won't have to worry about pricey repairs when you settle in.

  1. Warranty 

In terms of avoiding expensive repairs, another great advantage of a new, bespoke house is that the builder will warranty it for at least the initial year.

This implies that if the heater breaks or your roof leaks, your builder will pay for it.

This guarantee ensures that you are capable of enjoying your new home for some years without having to replace anything and pay for it out of pocket.

  1. You will have flexibility

The first is the adaptability of your floor layout as well as the nuances in each space. With a custom home construction, you will have complete control over every feature of your home, all the way down to the bespoke home gym and pool you've always desired. Custom Home Builder Dallas TX specializes in individual home design and construction. We take pleasure in the custom personalizing of each of our homes. It's what distinguishes our houses from those of other design-build organizations.

  1. You have complete budget control.

Even if you're building a beautiful house, you can keep your spending under control. The process begins with you and your builder determining an approximate budget. Following that, your architect will listen to your family's demands, examine your habits, and flesh out your idea. They will do it while staying within your budget and boundaries. A bespoke house allows you to negotiate material costs, which will also save you money. This eliminates the possibility of wasteful spending.

  1. Innovative Technology

It might be difficult, if not impossible, to install new technology in an ancient house.

However, with a custom home, you may outfit it with all of the newest technologies. Speakers, alarm systems, cable, and Internet cabling may all be added in. In the end, this may save you a lot of time and money.


Luxury Custom Homes Dallas TX may be your best alternative if you are prepared to invest in the additional attention to detail and assure the quality of your property. Our customers choose us because of the high quality and bespoke elements in your houses. Please visit us at if you are considering building a new house. We would be delighted to assist you with the construction of your ideal house.

Check Out Our Latest Custom Build in Dallas TX!

15,000 square feet Mediterranean Transitional

Designed and Built by Tony McClung

What You Should Know About Luxury Custom Homes Before Building One

For many people, having a custom house built is a dream come true. However, if you do not properly research and plan, it may quickly turn into any homeowner's worst nightmare. With practically endless alternatives to pick from, it's easy for your budget to balloon.

Custom Home Builder Dallas TX has assisted various customers in the construction of their ideal custom homes as well as in developing a strategic budgeting strategy to ensure they are well prepared during the construction process. We provide a few essential tips here to assist in ensuring that you do not go in over your head.

What things should you know before starting to build a luxury custom home?

The following are the essential considerations before building Luxury Custom Homes Dallas TX.

  1. It Matters Who Builds Your House

A custom home requires a large emotional and monetary investment. As a result, it is critical to select a reputable custom house builder, such as Tony McClung. Choose a trustworthy and transparent constructor who can assist you in saving money. If you can't start frank discussions about markups, subcontractors, or budget right away, you may have to keep exploring for a better fit.

  1. Set a budget and understand the scope of the work.

The more comprehensive your budget and strategy, the better it will be for you as well as your Luxury Home Builder Dallas TX to avoid costly surprises. Make a provision for fixtures. Choose where to buy the supplies and calculate the costs that are not covered by the contract. These are important things to discuss since they can considerably affect the cost of building your home. Examine interior design websites to prepare yourself to make an informed selection when the time comes. Bear in mind that making a decision on the spur of the moment might be costly.

  1. You will always come across something unexpected.

Because construction projects can quickly run over budget, it is critical that you create your custom house with a contingency cushion. It is advised that you leave between 10% and 15% of your budget and completion date open. Given this, don't be afraid to be forceful. When necessary, you should fight back.

  1. Research is critical.

Find others who have been through a similar experience or ask your Architectural Designer Dallas TX for recommendations. Inquire about their experience. What do they wish they had included in their budget? What drove them to overspend? Learn from their errors to save time and money.

  1. You should understand construction financing

You will need a construction loan to finance your custom house unless you have a lot of cash on hand. Unfortunately, the procedure of financing a bespoke home is slightly more difficult than financing an existing property.

Construction loans are classified into two types: those that convert to fixed mortgages and those that do not.

If you choose a temporary loan that does not transfer to a mortgage, you will need to obtain a separate mortgage loan once your property is completed.

Which path should you take?

This is dependent on your specific requirements. Learning about construction finance will assist you in selecting a loan that meets your requirements.

Final Thought

For a beginner, the custom house construction process might be perplexing. This, however, should not deter you.

If you follow the advice given above, you can be confident that your custom home will be constructed without incident. Visit us today at to help you learn the basics of luxury custom homes before we can help you build one.

Is Building a Custom Home Worth It?

Establishing a new home is more than just a regular building construction. This is a place where you will be spending your most precious time and reliving the day’s pressure. It goes hand in hand with the many memories you make with your family.

As a result, you want your home to be astounding and create a relaxing atmosphere for you and your family. A home should be well designed to accommodate diverse needs, fit your style, and reflect your personality.

That explains why most people often choose to work with a custom home builder when they start thinking about building their home. There are several benefits that you can get from such an undertaking.

#1: Gives You a Customized Home

Customization is the main factor that might motivate you to choose a custom home. That’s because you get the power of selecting each item that goes into your home. That includes custom cabinetry, trim, floor coverings, wall, appliances, and amenities.

For instance, if you are a fan of granite and not art deco tiling, you can comfortably get it. Or maybe you want skylights in your living room and natural light in the bedroom and kitchen. A custom home means you take charge of everything that happens on the exterior, interior, and ceiling.

 #2: Allows You to Express Your Personality

The kind of home you choose directly reflects your personality, taste, and style. When you work with a custom home builder, you can literally create the home of your dreams. For instance, those who are passionate about art collections can have the whole home designed in a way that portrays their valuable pieces. That could be achieved using specialized lighting and gallery walls. And those who love morning coffee outdoors can incorporate a terrace in their kitchen bedroom design.

Regarding styling, a luxury home builder will first seek to understand your requirements before proceeding with the implementation stage. That gives you the flexibility of being able to portray your style, which can be Ranch, Greek Revival, Contemporary, Mid-Century Modern, or a combination of these styles. By the time you bring in your home fittings, they will perfectly fit because the home is ready to hold them.

#3: Creates A Functional Home

From the time you break ground to when the roofing is done, the custom home is built entirely around you. It does not follow a pre-existing floor plan or is limited by the setbacks of a semi-custom home. Instead, the design is made in a way that makes the most of every usable space.

You know how you want your floor to flow and the positioning of each room. Some people may choose an open floor plan, while others would rather go for defined rooms. Whichever the case, you are at liberty of customizing the home until it meets your functionality requirements.

#4: It Ascertains the Quality of Materials Used

Some constructions tend not to last long because of the low-quality materials used. When it comes to a home, you may want it to be around for generations as it forms a special part of your family history.

A luxury custom home builder such as Tony McClung works to your advantage since you can control the quality of materials used. Furthermore, the custom home builder works with trusted suppliers and trained personnel to deliver good workmanship under qualified supervision.

How to Pick a Builder For a Custom Home?

The excitement of building a custom home or undertaking home renovations in Dallas TX is unmatched. It serves as the perfect opportunity to curve your home to your liking. You can take control of things such as the quality of materials used, the floor plan for functionality purposes, and the general expression of your personality.

Choosing the right custom home builder goes a long way in ensuring you get the home of your dreams. Such a builder first understands your vision and unique needs before getting started with implementation.

As you can imagine, the luxury custom home builder that you choose will either break or make you. Here is what you can do to get the right person for the job.

#1: Ask For References

As you start engaging prospective builders, it would be ideal to also look at their references. And whenever possible, physically visit the references to have a first-hand experience of their works.

References are like direct witnesses. These are individuals who mainly know the prospective builder at a professional level. Therefore, they would ascertain that the person has handled a similar project for them or they have jointly worked in the past.

Evaluating the quality of the references list is as important as speaking with the referees. You may want to make sure that these referees are real and that their project was almost similar to yours.

#2: Participate In Home Tours

Home tours serve as an opportunity to see the luxury home builder’s works and how they made the most of available spaces. You can have a one-on-one engagement with the builder where they share their experience and expertise in delivering custom homes.

Undertaking home tours is also an opportunity to expand the range of builders that you could review for your project. You may then start sorting prospective builders and proceed to the next stage, where you check communities in which they have active projects. That way, you can see for yourself first-hand that the builder has everything under control.

While interacting with the builder’s ongoing or past projects, seek to also speak with the homeowners. Find out what their experiences were working with the builder and whether they would recommend the builder.

#3: Ask About Their Working Process

Before you give the go-ahead to a specific luxury home builder, make sure that they explain the process they follow to build a home. Your key focus here is to find out if you are at the center stage of the whole construction process.

Remember that the essence of going for a custom home is so that it reflects your personality and delivers the ultimate dream home. That would not be possible if you are not part and parcel of the home building process.

In particular, you should be interested in what happens at the initial meeting, design phase, and start of the construction. Let the builders explain their personal roles in the project. Make sure you get to know the people they work with and their input.

Tony McClung is a professional custom home builder who places you at the heart of your precious project. When you choose to work with us, you can expect 100% commitment towards delivering the home just as you had envisioned.

What Does a Custom Home Builder Do?

Building your home is one of the most important undertakings. The kind of home you build defines your personality, hence the need to pay close attention to how it turns out. That explains why most homeowners would rather have their home built up from scratch instead of choosing a ready-to-move-in one.

When you decide to custom-make your home, you will have to choose a custom home builder. Such a builder seeks to make sure your home stands out from the crowd. As the owner, you will have a say in each phase of the construction process.

This article guides you on what to expect from your preferred custom home builder:

What Does A Custom Builder Do

#1: Custom-Design Your Home

The major role that custom home builders play entails building your home just as you wanted it. They give you the flexibility of choosing preferred ceramics and fixtures. The house is essentially your canvas and serves as an outlet for your personality. The custom home builder allows you to hand-pick your appliances and order customized lamps, among other things. The most important consideration here is your satisfaction with the final home built because you had a personal engagement with it from scratch.

#2: Customize Amenities

The amenities incorporated in your home have a significant impact on your overall experience with the house. A custom home builder suggests the kinds of installations that go hand in hand with your lifestyle, including:

·      Fitness room

·      Security systems

·      Swimming pool

·      Game room

·      Lighting systems

#3: Managing Your Resources

Building a home requires a lot of resources, and you will need someone to manage them. A luxury custom home builder knows what they are doing. Thus, they are the best suited to manage key resources that go into your project. Time is one of the most vital resources here as it determines how fast the home gets completed. Custom home builders know what to do to make sure they utilize resources efficiently and within the budget.

#4: Purchase At a Discount

A custom luxury home builder is responsible for all your vital purchases. Depending on what you want, the home builder can buy in bulk and get you a better discount. In most cases, the home builder already has an existing relationship with different vendors with whom they have worked in the past. Thus, they leverage their contacts to make sure you get what you want and at a better discount.

#5: Linking Different Subcontractors

No single contractor can claim to custom-make your home. Normally, you will need different subcontractors such as plumbers, electrical engineers, and fitting teams, among others. The custom home builder has the responsibility of connecting with expert contractors to ensure the home is built as per expectations. Working with these subcontractors is a smart move because each one of them will handle a variety of roles, relieving you from stress and pressure.

Why Choose Us?

Are you looking for a custom-built home that speaks out your personality? Choose us because we are committed to designing and building an astounding luxury home that will leave you mesmerized.

Detailed Guide to Choosing Luxury Custom Home Builder

Most homeowners often feel clueless when it comes to custom home building. Probably you already have the best-sketched floor plan and a host of other ideas. However, if you do not have the right person for the job, these will never turn out as you envisioned. Please read on to the end to learn more about luxury home building.

Five factors to consider

1. Research on the available luxury custom home builders

You need to be proactive in researching existing custom home builders. Ask for their certifications and any licenses that they may have. Also, enquire from friends, family members, relatives, and real estate professionals what they may have heard about the specific custom builder. Your goal is to do thorough homework on key items such as the builder’s organizational ability, level of equality, communication style, philosophy, and industry recognition. 

2. Have realistic expectations

As you look for perfection in your luxury custom home builder, make sure you have realistic expectations. Set limits that the best builders can deliver but do not go beyond what is possible. It is ideal to know what you want, including elements such as time management, cost management, and quality control. Tony McClung is known for his attention to detail. The fact that he works only on one project at a time before moving to the next means he will be able to better understand your requirements and deliver them. He specializes in luxury custom homes.

3. Choose a kind and bold builder

As you choose your builder, focus on one willing to guide you every step of the way. A kind and bold builder is not just about delivering your dream home as per your requirements. Such a builder listens to your needs but is also bold enough to say no when something does not work out in your best interest. A good builder is not just about doing everything that you want. They bring their experience to the table to guide you to get the home you deserve. 

4. Consider cost and time management

What budget have you set aside for your luxury home? How fast do you want the home delivered? You can only achieve these when you work with a home builder that understands cost and time management. Evaluate the builder’s estimates to ensure that it meets your budget and does not compromise on finish and quality.

5. Follow your instincts

This is your home, and you are bound to have very strong instincts about it. If something does not feel right, do not ignore it. Highlight the issue and immediately converse with your preferred builder about it. 


A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. Congratulations on having started this journey to build your own custom home. With the help of Tony McClung, who has diverse experience in luxury home building, you will get your dream home.

Preparing Your Home for the School Year


The school season can be absolute insanity for some families. It’s an exciting fresh start to the year and kids are usually eager to get back, see their friends, start up school activities, and get back into the routine! But it can also be tough at home. Papers get sprawled everywhere, jackets, shoes, backpacks, notebooks, laptops, and charging chords end up all over the house, and it can begin to feel like your home is caught up in a permanent tornado. So how do you deal with it all, and what can you do to prepare your home for the upcoming school year?

Here are some tips!

Organize Your Entry Way

People often get so focused on vacuuming, cleaning the living room, and keeping bedrooms clean that they forget just how quickly the entry way can get out of control.

The entry way really is your avenue to efficiently get in and out of the house. If it’s not kept clean and organized, you’re kids will be late to the bus looking for their missing shoes and backpacks, and your keys will inevitably grow legs and burry themselves under boxes and papers. It’s a mess. It’s a headache. And it needs to be dealt with.

Come up with an organization system and make rules for your kids. Where do their shoes go? Where do their jackets go? Where do their backpacks go? Install additional shelves in your coat closet if necessary. Come up with a system and stick to it – as soon as you let it go, the entry way becomes congested and getting out the door is drastically more difficult.

Come Up with a Food Organization System

Kids need to bring lunches and snacks to school, and dinner prep needs to be quick if you want your house to run smoothly. Come up with a food organization system!

If you need to, rework the layout of your cabinets and pantry. It might take a few hours one evening, but getting everything in a neat and organized area can cut off dozens of hours of food prep in the long-run. Maybe you put the kids’ school food prep stuff on one shelf in the pantry, snacks go in another area, etc.

Create Visual Chore Checklists

It’s easy to hap-hazardously throw chore requests at your kids, but it’s not effective when attempting to keep your home in good shape. Create and print out chore checklists and have them mounted on a cabinet, fridge, or wall where everyone knows what needs to be done on what days by who.

You can create rewards based on what gets completed and how committed they’ve been over time. Weekly allowances, video game time, hanging with friends, and even fun family activities like bowling, hiking, or going to movies can all be great incentives to add into the mix!

Recognized as one of the leading custom home builders in Dallas TX, Tony McClung is an architectural designer working to beautify custom luxury homes in Highland Park, and North Dallas area. He helps families design, build or renovate the custom home of their dreams. Visit their website to learn more.

Tips for Replacing Baseboards in Your Home


If you’ve done any home renovations in the past, you’re well aware of how much small details can completely change a space. And that is especially the case when it comes to baseboards. While baseboards are a smaller detail in a home in comparison to larger remodeling tasks like installing new flooring, painting an entire room, or redoing a kitchen backsplash, they really do change the overall feel of a home.

Baseboards almost act like a “glue” that pull the consistency of a home’s design together. Having consistent (and well-done) baseboards is a great way to transform your space. If you’re planning to replace your baseboards in the near future, here are a few tips:

Get the Right Tools

I know replacing baseboards seems like an incredibly simple project, but the truth is, it requires a lot of precision. Without the right tools, you’ll be fighting an uphill battle.

Getting correct measurements, making your corner cut angles correct, and installing the baseboards against the wall all require a special set of tools. Nail guns are your best friend, and it’s probably a good idea to have really accurate measuring tools around. A good angle gauge wouldn’t hurt either!

One of the most important things to use is a compound miter saw. They’re quite accurate, easy to move around, and have fast spinning blades. As long as you have a good saw blade on, compound miter saws should give you accurate, clean cuts that make jointing a breeze.

Another tip is to search for a portable air compressor and buy air compressor tools. In the long-run, you’ll probably save money on your tools and you don’t have to deal with the frustration of batteries.

Have a Clear Plan and Vision

Of course you probably have a general idea in your head of what you want. “I want simplistic, white baseboards.” That’s great! But you want to make sure you come up with a specific plan. Exactly what size of wood do you want? Do you want any type of styling done with a router table on the wood? If you have anything beyond flat white baseboards, do you have a plan for how to best deal with angles to ensure it works seamlessly throughout the house?

It’s also really smart to calculate exactly how much wood you need, and then buy a little bit extra. Chances are high you’ll have a few “whoopsie” moments when making your first cuts. No matter how accurate you think you are, always plan for a few mistakes.

Paint Your Trim Before Installing

You’ve seen all the telltale signs of a bad paint job in your life – paint dripping from the wall onto a countertop, baseboard paint making its way onto the wall. It’s hard to get accurate paint lines, even with proper taping techniques. Sometimes paint just gets where it’s not supposed to.

If you’re able to, the best thing you can do to ensure the paint is clean, not on the wall, and looks professional is to paint your baseboards before you install them. This gives you a chance to really be precise and make sure everything looks great before it goes up!

Recognized as one of the leading custom home builders in Dallas TX, Tony McClung is an architectural designer working to beautify custom luxury homes in Highland Park, and North Dallas area. He helps families design, build or renovate the custom home of their dreams. Visit their website to learn more.