Four Things to Remember While Building a Custom Home

custom home building

Think of new home construction and most prospective home builders think of miscommunication between contractors and missed project deadlines, right? Wrong. While these are hallmarks of less-than-prepared building companies, with the right team, you can step into your dream home on schedule and under budget. If you’re beginning your journey in building a custom home, keep these things in mind to make the process as smooth as possible. You’ll step over the threshold of your new build before you know it.

Address the Present and the Future

Life changes and families grow. Rather than building a home that addresses your present needs, plan one that addresses your future ones, as well. Do you plan to have kids (or more of them)? Do your parents or in-laws rely on you for support? Plan more than the next five years – think 10, even 20 years down the road.

Think Layout and Flow

When planning a home, most people think open floor plan, number of rooms, number of floors, the “man cave,” and so on. While this is part of what makes custom home planning fun, these aren’t your only considerations. While less entertaining, planning the mechanical aspects of your home (HVAC, plumbing, and electrical components) is equally important. For example, ensure that you have enough electrical outlets to run all your appliances and gadgets. Addressing these aspects during the planning process assures your home has both form and function. Also, think of how you’ll use each room. It’s easy to get caught in the whirlwind of custom home building: Will you actually use the craft room, the second sitting room, or the library? Think carefully and prioritize. Put your budget into amenities that make your home functional, instead of rooms that will sit unused.

Choose a Designer and Builder Combination

People often have an architect to create their vision and a builder to bring it to life. When these are two separate teams, you’re more likely to have miscommunication between members and a budget and timeline that go off the rails. Pick a professional who both plans and builds homes.

This has a few distinct advantages:

  • Such a professional can bring your vision to life – while following local codes, zoning restrictions, and the law of the land. It would be devastating to spend time and energy building your dream home only to have a builder tell you it can’t become a reality.
  • It’s easier to keep track of your budget. Your hard-earned dollars are going to one person, so it’s easier to keep track of where to allocate them – and the project is more likely to come in under budget when finished.
  • Seamless communication minimizes chances of mistakes. Your designer/builder combo team will be the point of communication for all subcontractors, like HVAC and electrical. With expertise in both fields, this team can address problems as they arise and keep your vision intact.

Think Location

One of the biggest benefits of custom home building is the freedom to choose your perfect location. You may have wanted that rural lifestyle, only to find you dislike the longer trips to the grocery store, work, or school. Think carefully about the location you choose and make sure you can live with every aspect of living in an urban, suburban, or rural setting.

Have you been dreaming of a custom home? Tony McClung has more than 50 years of experience as an “architect designer/builder” and is responsible for some of the most dazzling properties in Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas. Turn your vision into a reality and call (214) 668-7802 today.

Two-for- One: The Advantages of Having an Architect Builder

Architect Builder

The homebuilding process is exciting. In many cases, the owners are realizing lifelong dreams.

Several people are instrumental to this process, but some are even more important than others.

Aside from your banker, the architect and builder are the two you need most.

The Value of an Architect

What do you think sets our society apart at a glance? Is it expensive cars, smartphones, or computers? No. The most impactful part of our world is the buildings we live in.

Consider the big city skylines, climbing high into the clouds. Consider our nation’s greatest memorials, such as the Washington Monument. Even the simplest family homes are wonders of engineering and imagination. Someone designed all these things and working with an architectural designer gives you access to a powerful and creative mind to complete the home building process.

The top benefits of working with an architectural designer are:

  • They can show you their vision. These professionals have intimate knowledge about how buildings work. They can see the big picture and use their experience to craft the perfect home for your needs. A skilled designer can listen to your vaguest dreams and turn them into usable plans.
  • Many architects and architectural designers understand the appropriate steps to take when building. They know the path to completion, starting with the first consultation. They also know the hundreds of tiny steps that you must take to finish the home.
  • Architectural Designers can save you lots of paperwork. If you buy a premade home plan, you’ll receive all the blueprints and designs from the company. Unfortunately, you’ll receive little or no information about the inner workings of the building. An architect can take care of the structural requirements and pay attention to local codes to have your home completed properly.

The Value of an Experienced Builder

Builders are the other half of the equation. Even the best plans can’t come to fruition without a skilled builder. Working with a talented and experienced builder is crucial to completing the home of your dreams.

The benefits of adding a builder to your team include:

  • The lead builder will do all the hard work when it comes to hiring, coordinating with, and supervising employees and subcontractors. You won’t have to worry about the rest of the workforce; the builder will handle it all.
  • An experienced builder will recognize design flaws, hopefully before they cause delays.
  • Faster completion. Experience means knowledge about all the details of bringing a plan together. When you choose a qualified builder, he or she will know precisely how to go about building the house to maximize efficiency.
  • Long-term value. The best builders create lasting masterpieces. If you hire a builder with skill and knowledge, you’ll see fewer repairs through the life of the home. You’ll also enjoy better resale potential and more-consistent value.

The Two-for- One Approach

What if you took the creative vision and knowledge of an architectural designer and combined it with the skilled experience of a builder? You’d have the perfect team. Having an "architect builder" means the process will always be as smooth as possible. The plans will make sense during construction, so you won’t face confusion or mistakes. If there is a design flaw, the builder does not have to call the architect to discuss the problem. The builder is the "architect" so he fixes immediately and the construction process proceeds on schedule. 

You can save a huge amount of time and money. In some cases, communication between a separate architect and builder can take weeks. Both lead busy lives, and it might be nearly impossible to bring them together. When your architect is your builder, he or she can address any questions or changes immediately. Plus, the rest of the team will be on the same page much, much faster.

Time isn’t the only thing you’ll save. Hiring one professional instead of two can drastically reduce costs. You’ll have more value in the long run, because he or she will be able to address concerns about the design or execution of the building all at once.

If you’re looking for an "architect builder" to design and build your dream home in Dallas Texas, you’re in luck. Tony McClung has more than 50 years of experience crafting some of Texas’, Colorado's and New Mexico's most beautiful properties. Tony is also able to design your home in 3D so you can virtually walk through your home before construction even begins. For more information about turning your dreams into a reality, call (214) 668-7802.